Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Psych Wards and Kardashian Drama!

 So for those of you that have been reading my blog might wonder why I have not posted a blog in a bit. From the title, ya'll might be wondering what happened to have a title such as this... Long story but seeing as how you have time to read this post, I will go ahead and fill you in with all the gory details!
 Let's start with the beginning... While in the Marine Corps, I experienced a few things that have caused a few mental problems for me now. I was raped when I was 19 behind a club that I went to with a few "friends" and suffered through quite a bit of discrimination after I was outed. The stress of these things caused me to have anxiety attacks which sometimes led to seizures which eventually wore down my memory as well as leaving me with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I also had to put up with the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy as part of my forced outing. I am by no means looking for your sympathy; but as I have gotten a lot of questions about my mental health in the past, I figured that I might as well get this out in the open now.
 Anyways, I was dealing with a lot of stress that landed me in my 3rd psych ward! Yippee! Not really. I felt completely out of place there as the youngest(22 years old with the majority of patients were in their 50's and 60's) and the only one getting treated for PTSD. I got the help I needed though and am not ashamed to say it. They put me on medications now and scheduled counseling sessions. Unfortunately, I had to cancel all my sessions due to more drama with the ex-roommate. But going back to the psych ward was amusing as well. I was surrounded by Mumm-Ras!!! Yes, I went there! I am a nerd and I am proud of it! LOL. My doctor was amazingly cute too! Talk about tall, dark, and handsome! Latino guy with an amazing smile. Sigh...
 Now about the drama. Da-da-da-duhhhhh. Now to all drama, there are always two sides of the story if not more. My ex-roomie offered to let me move in with her so that I could look for a job and a place of my own to live in. It was great at first. She and I got along very well and looked from the outside like a couple that had been married for 3 years. I mean like crock-pot dinners, evening outings to our favorite bar, and spoiling the dog. Things were really going well. I tried really hard to find a good job, however, I ended up doing porn, playing the keyboard for a chruch(which didn't end up paying at all), and selling Kirby vacuum cleaners. None of which paid well enough for me to move out, much less live on but it helped. I have a job coming up this next month where I would be making a good half a million at minimum. I had planned(and she knew about the plan) to reimburse her for the rent and to give her extra to spoil herself with as well as put some money down to buy her a car.
 And then the drama began... On the way to work one morning, I got into a car accident totaling my car after she had just bought a new alternator for the car. Then I ended up having to quit my job at the Kirby company in hopes of saving our friendship. Only had one day off a week and the stress and anger from work was getting vented on her. Then my nightmares(caused from my PTSD) just got too much to handle which ended up with me in the psych ward. Yay. Between quitting the job and the psych ward, she blurts out that she can no longer let me live there. I half understood but it gets worse. After I got out of the psych ward, I attempted to talk to her to see what I had done to upset her so much. She went on to explain that I was a hopeless failure and that she was tired of having me in our apartment. She went on the next few days with a hostile attitude and then called and lied to the cops saying that I had apparently threatened her with a knife and that she felt unsafe. I didn't even know that violence was in my nature other than video games or watching it on a movie. Regardless, I talked to the cops and explained to them that I had no knives in my room that I had easy access to and that that was the first time I had been in the same room much less talked to her. I also apologized for her to the cops for all 6 of them coming out for no reason. I have never had anyone call the cops on me before! WOW!
 Told you it got worse! So anyways, I ended up moving to Twentynine Palms, CA for peace of mind and drama free friends to find a new job and new college. All is going slow but much better than having cops at my front door! Until the next adventure!